
Tuesday 28 December 2010

Love or Lust? How to know..??

At one time someone would probably say to you ” I love you with all my heart…”, and then suddenly you start to see stars and little hearts floating just at the side of your head, giving you this bizarre feeling that as if you are the most beautiful creature in the middle of the universe… Then you start to combine your names together…Until…wait! you woke up and realised that it is “NOT” really what the person meant? Then you ask yourself…a big  “WHY???????” Wherein, you could have asked, “what could it possibly be?”And of course, no person in his/her right sane would tell you that what they feel is merely “lust” for you…whether they know it or not. So how can you tell?

One very similar feeling to love is lust. Lust is a very powerful, very intense feeling of physical attraction toward another person. Lust is mainly sexual in nature – the attraction is superficial based on instant chemistry rather than genuine caring. Usually we lust after people we do not know well, people we still feel comfortable fantasizing about. Many adults still confuse intense attraction such as lust to true love.
As it is, lust is not love. Love is based on more than just physical attraction. Attraction is an essential factor but love goes deeper than that. Love is a shared feeling between two people who have a vested interest in one another’s happiness. Love is based on caring, friendship, commitment, and trust.
Love is a feeling that as if you always have a best friend beside you that you can count on and understand you. It is love when you feel that you can be just as yourself in good times and bad times. It is love when you think you can accept each others’ flaws no matter how odd others may think these are. It is love when you can actually forgive each other’s mistakes… These are just but some obvious signs of loving someone. Anything less is lust, deep friendship and attraction.
For some people it may not be that easy to determine love from lust. It may not always be absolute in finding out what makes someone say that what he/she feels is true love, but we can use some signs to know that what you really feel is heading towards love. If you agree with 7 out of 10 statements, chances are that you might be in love.
1. You know, because you have been told by your significant other; your deep feelings are returned in kind.
2. The object of your affection makes you feel special and good about yourself.
3. If/when you feel jealous, it is always fleeting; you are not insecure about your partner most of the time.
4. It feels serene, peaceful, and relaxing when you and your partner are together.
5. When you fight with your partner you usually make up. You both respect and forgive each other’s flaws and mistakes and think that being with each other is more important than pride.
6. You agree that nothing is more important than you both being able to express your true feelings (even if they sometimes cause conflict).
7.Your partner should not ask you to choose between him/her and your loyalties to family and friends; – if you do choose him/her over them you always have a good reason and it is always YOUR decision and your decision alone.
8. Your partner should know and understand that your work is important to you.
9. You are more yourself when with your partner than you are with anybody else.
10. If sex is part of your relationship, it is by mutual desire and agreement without the slightest hint of commitment testing or persuasion.



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