Though many believe otherwise, I believe that rigidity is the enemy of an effective exercise routine.
But I don’t always practice what I preach.
Since I started become part time house wife,student and also freelance working with my own, I’ve tried to maintain a workout routine that consisted of early morning exercise especially after Mr Hubby go to work. I figured this would work well for me because I’ve always been a morning person,(well sometimes ) and I love the idea of jump-starting my day with some physical activity.( recently..!!!;-) )
Except that it hasn’t been happening.
I’ve been sleeping in an extra hour. Or cuddling with my husband. Or reading cooking book to explore new recipes especially healthy meal. Or cooking a relaxed, leisurely breakfast.but sometimes me and Mr Hubby just get bowl of cereal for breakfast..
These are all wonderful things, but the fact is that skipping my exercise, – I’ll admit it! – grouchy.
So a few weeks ago before me and Mr Hubby decide to change our life routine with member's at one of gym at town centre, I vowed to get back into my morning exercise routine…and proceeded to beat myself up every morning it still didn’t happen. But despite knowing better, I maintained an attitude of rigidity and stubbornness. I AM a morning exerciser, I thought, and I WILL find a way to make it happen.(yessszzaaaa you can do it baby..!!!)
And then I had a lightbulb moment. If the current routine isn’t working (obviously), then why not just, you know, change it? Yes, I used to be a morning exerciser, but does that mean I have to stay that way forever and always???
It’s a simple life lesson, but one I tend to forget: Just because something worked well for me in the past doesn’t mean it will continue to work well forever. Life changes – heck, I change – and my routine needs to change with me. A little flexibility goes a long way.
So I’m letting myself consider the idea of exercising after work instead of before. I started by making a pros and cons list for post-work exercise.
More leisurely morning routine
Don’t have to worry about packing tidying clothes, hair dryer, etc. to get ready at the gym
Start the day with other self-care activities, like prayer and meditation
Can eat breakfast at home instead
Might actually happen!
More leisurely morning routine
Don’t have to worry about packing tidying clothes, hair dryer, etc. to get ready at the gym
Start the day with other self-care activities, like prayer and meditation
Can eat breakfast at home instead
Might actually happen!
Get home later when i got work sometimes, less time for cooking
More reasons/excuses to skip it could come up during the day
Have to shower twice in one day (why do I think that’s such a big deal???huh..!!!)
Interferes with some evening plans but usually me and My Hubby go to gym after he finish work.
It’s not what I’m used to but must do it for our healthy life
Get home later when i got work sometimes, less time for cooking
More reasons/excuses to skip it could come up during the day
Have to shower twice in one day (why do I think that’s such a big deal???huh..!!!)
Interferes with some evening plans but usually me and My Hubby go to gym after he finish work.
It’s not what I’m used to but must do it for our healthy life
I’ve decided to give post-work exercise a shot for 2-3 weeks and just see how it goes. A trial period of sorts. That again goes back to the rigidity thing; sometimes I forget that just because I want to try something new doesn’t mean I have to commit to it for eternity. I’m allowed to just give it a try.
While this particular exercise example may not seem like a big deal, I think it’s illustrative of a “strictness” I’ve battled my whole life. I’ve always liked having a routine or a plan – for everything from food and exercise to trips and vacations to, dare I say it, life - and while there are some advantages to that mindset, it can also drive me crazy.
This exercise dilemma has reminded me, once again, that routines are only worthwhile to the extent that they actually fit into our lives. Plans are only as good as our willingness to change them when necessary. And just because one approach worked well in the past doesn’t mean I should hold onto it with an iron grip for the rest of eternity.
Is there some aspect of your life/routine that needs to change, but you’re resistant to doing so because you’ve always done it another way?
Are you a morning, evening, or mid-day exerciser? Have you always been that way, or has it changed?
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