A Belated Merry Christmas & New Year to all
How could I have missed such an important post
Came back in here since from ages not posting anything since a marvelous week away in the My Mother In law and Laura my sister in law house.
Realised with more than 3 week i'm just a silence from appear in here,,what a shame..
Rushed around buying presents for them,thats a proper excuse for me though LOL. cleaning the house etc etc.
All while trying to keep Christmas week entertaining & stress free for my LOVE one Mr Hubby.
But I did squeeze in Christmas drinks and gathering with family in law..whats a great moment.
Thats when I took this picture for xmas eve..
My little Kacia,Yes she's absolutely adorable little girl..
Of coz from left Me,Kacia and Mum..
Here Mr Santa,Love Hubbyku..;))
Kacia and Laura
such a good post and pretend like i'm her mummy..ehekss..
Laura my sister in law.me.kacia and mum mother in law..
Enough about me
Thankyou to all my beautiful followers who still read my rather spasmodic posts this year.
I trust you had wonderful times at Christmas whether they were quiet or hectic & look forward to hearing from you all in the new year.
I will be busy in the new year working on new projects , there are some changes in the air
Jesse Tutty x