Hi Blogger's..
This is my latest piccies of mine for everybody missing me..( have anyone missing me out there..?? )
well just quick update for people that i love out there..Mum,Dad i will going back home soon but i don't know the exactly date yet..pray that everything will be ok..Wooppss..i've lots of thing to sort before going back home,house rental for 3 month,council tax,and all that bloody bill making me headache..it's cost me more than £4000..gggrrr..!!!convert please..woow RM??its RM20k for 3 month left..i hate it..!!!
But for my bright future i have to go back home no matter what happen,and well let's we calculate again..
go and return ticket for 2 person which is adde,the flight ticket cost me about £2000 average,cost me to visa fees about £900,cost for living there about 3 month its about £1500 for 2 person..DAMN bloody expensive..why it's cost me lots of money..???all total,£8000 include all those bill,its insane and making me damn bloody headache..!!!!please get me out this fucking earth material,everything is money..!!
Who said money not important..??that's just a shit of hypocrite life..everybody need money and everybody need to survive..S.T.O.P talking about M.O.N.E.Y it's make me very2 angry now..!!
Change topic..
As u guy's know i was living in overseas which is i dont really have a dream before to living here as i'm not kind of people love other country as i love my own country..but in circumstance i just hate to be there as lots of people make me annoying sometimes..i will better stop right now rather than talk about something that will make people hurting..see u soon mum,dad..blogger's..;-)
Have a nice day..xxx
before i forget this is song for us guy's..M.O.N.E.Y..!!!