Wahhhhh..!!!Today i made the Traditional Malaysian kuih..Kuih Buah Melaka
First step
Second step
third step
Last step..Enjoyyy...!!!!;-)
This is the receipe of this Traditional Malaysia Kuih buah Melaka.
1 pack of glutinous rice flour
4 tablespoons flour
Pandan leaf coloring
Gula Melaka (cut into small pieces)
Shredded coconut
how to make it
Mix glutinous rice flour and wheat flour with water. Put pandan leaf coloring. If you want better taste, use water that has been blended pandan leaves.
Take a mixture of your thumb and rounded for easy pill to want to estimate its size, then flatten it.
Place a sugar pill to melaka and round.
Boiled in a pot of water to a boil.
Put the cake into the pan and lift the cakes are arising. Evaporated and leave immediately.
Mix with grated coconut cake today.
Ready to eat.
Good luck..
Malay Version.
1 bungkus tepung pulut
4 sudu tepung gandum
Pewarna daun pandan
Gula Melaka (dipotong kecil-kecil)
Kelapa parut
Bancuh tepung pulut dan tepung gandum dengan air. Masukkan pewarna daun pandan. Kalau nak lebih sedap, guna air daun pandan yang telah dikisar.
Ambil adunan sebesar ibu jari dan gentel menjadi bulat supaya senang nak anggarkan saiznya, kemudian leperkan.
Letakkan gula melaka dan gentel menjadi bulat.
Jerang air dalam periuk sehingga mendidih.
Masukkan kuih ke dalam periuk dan angkat apabila kuih-kuih tersebut timbul. Sejat dan biarkan seketika.
Gaulkan kuih tadi dengan kelapa parut.
Siap untuk dimakan.
Selamat mencuba..;-)