
Monday, 21 February 2011

What is wrong with me today..???

I’m too disgusted with myself to even look at the mirror and I wish this inferior feeling would just go away. 

I don't know what's wrong with me today, been feeling moody, sleepy and tired the whole day. I just really feel like hiding somewhere til' everything's okay.
i hate that feeling. the kind of feeling where i feel like doing anything is pointless. where i feel like i'm going no where (tell me if i’m in the right direction here).
well all i know is that feeling passes with a little time. i just wait it out and stay strong, theres always a better day a head..!!!!



A void negative people, places, things and habits. 
B elieve in yourself.
C onsider things from every angle.
D on't give up and don't give in.
E njoy life today, Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow 
may never come!
F amily and friends are hidden treasures. Seek 
them and enjoy their riches.
G ive more than you planned.
H ang on to your dreams.
I gnore those who try to discourage you! 
J ust do it!
K eep trying no matter how hard it seems. It will 
get easier!
L ove yourself first and most.
M ake dreams happen.
N ever lie, cheat or steal. Always strike a fair deal. 
O pen your eyes and see things as they really are. 
P ractice makes perfect.
Q uitters never win and winners never quit!
R ead and learn about everything important to you. 
S top procrastinating!
T ake control of your own destiny. 
U nderstand yourself in order to better understand 
V isualize your dreams.
W ant your dream more than anything.
X -ccelerate your efforts.
Y ou are a unique individual. Nothing can replace 
Z ero in on your goals and GO FOR THEM!

-hOw gIRls lOOk aT boYS-

-hOw gIRls lOOk aT boYS-

Kalau lelaki handsome pendiam, 
Perempuan akan cakap: woow, cool giler... 
kalau lelaki tak handsome pendiam, 
Perempuan akan cakap: ekelleh perasan bagus...
kalau lelaki handsome berbuat jahat ,
Perempuan akan kata: nobody's perfect 
kalau lelaki tak handsome berbuat jahat, perempuan akan cakap: memang.... muka pun macam pecah rumah!
kalau lelaki handsome menolong perempuan yg 
perempuan akan cakap: wah.. machonya.. macam hero filem! 
kalau lelaki tak handsome menolong perempuan yang diganggu, 
Perempuan akan kata: entah2 kawan dia...
kalau lelaki handsome dapat perempuan cantik, 
perempuan akan kata: sepadan sangat... 
kalau lelaki tak handsome dapat perempuan cantik, 
perempuan akan kata: mesti kena bomoh perempuan tuh!
kalau lelaki handsome ditinggal kekasih, 
perempuan akan kata: jangan sedih, kan saya 
kalau lelaki tak handsome ditinggal kekasih, 
perempuan akan kata:...(terdiam, tapi telunjuknya meliuk-liuk dari atas ke bawah, patutlah, tengok saja luarannya)...
kalau lelaki handsome penyayang binatang, 
perempuan akan cakap: perasaannya halus...penuh kasih sayang 
kalau lelaki tak handsome penyayang binatang, perempuan akan cakap: sesama keluarga memang harus menyayangi...
kalau lelaki handsome bawa BMW,
akan cakap: matching... hebat luar dalam 
kalau lelaki tak handsome bawaBMW,
perempuan akan cakap: bang, bosnya mana?.
kalau lelaki handsome tak mau bergambar, 
perempuan akan cakap: pasti takut kalau2 
gambarnya tersebar 
kalau lelaki tak handsome tak mau bergambar, perempuan akan kata: tak sanggup melihat hasilnya ya?
kalau lelaki handsome selalu ajak jumpa, 
perempuan akan cakap: ok...klu boleh ari ari nak jumpa..... 
kalau lelaki tak handsome selalu ajak jumpa, perempuan akan kata: tak apa laa, i bz atau 
bf i tak kasi kuar atau i dah berpunya.... 
HAHAHHAHA....lumrah dunia...aper nak wat..
macamtue gak perangai ORG LELAKI pd ORG PEREMPUAN YG TAK LAWA kn????
JGN MARE......

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