
Friday, 13 January 2012

Five Question Friday

Okay here goes the questions:

1. If you could, would you go back to high school?

Haha...definitely not. I've said before how horrible my high school experience was. And for those of you who are...well like me; and wont click the link. Lemme just say it was horrible cause I was an ugly, medically challenged duckling. ha. Thats got you intrigued doesnt it? Wink, Wink....thats how cool I am now peoples!
2. If a genie appeared and granted you two wishes, what would they be? (And, no saying "more wishes".)
Darn. I wanted to say more wishes cause two just ain't enough! This is not a fair question. Sigh. Oh well, gotta get over it. Ummmm..........they would be that one - my Mr Hubby be healthy want for anything. Cause you know....he are precious person and I gots to make sure he are cared for.

hmmm gotta wonder though - whats with me talking all ghetto?

Oh well. Anyhows, if it were for me only. I would want have the ability to adopt as many kids as possible and peace? Yeah. Can't think of another one. Eh..lemme go with the tride and true - ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD!

Yeah I know. Cop Out.
3. What kids show do you secretly like?

Sadly enough - a lot of them. ( no have any children yet) like my nephew
..well there really aren't many out there for my nephew age. But I like um.......My Friends Tigger and Pooh. Yeah that show is too cute. Older kids show....SpongeBob Squarepants (still not sure I want Monkey Man to watch this show until their like 10) and Wizards of Waverly Place. My mom tells me I'm such a heathen for watching that show....but its funny. I don't care who you are thats some funny stuff right there.

4. What is your beverage of choice?

Well, since I'm trying to lose weight - water. Ha who am I kidding? Flavored drink mix stuff (like Cherry & Strawberry water). That stuff is so..........hold the stinkin phone!

So my beverage of choice is cherry water. And lots of it. Dang. Why didn't I think of that in the first place? Sigh. Yeah, I know I hear it too:

"I could wile away the hours....conferring with the flowers............."
5. What is something that you would change about yourself (or are working to change in yourself)?
Well, I would change my butt and my jelly belly. But I'm a bit busy this week on changing that in myself with new appearance . Oh that not what you meant? Oh ok. Well, I'm trying to change the fact that I am trying to be perfect all of the stinkin time. Its hard trying to please everyone and be perfect in their eyes and I'm just tired of it.

I did it in high school and frankly I am tired of taking steps back (is that how you say it?). I want to move forward! I wanna be a better me for myself and yes also for Mr Hubby! Yeah...that sounded pathetic romantic? Ehekss!!Well too......who am I kidding it is pathetic trying to be perfect for someone else! I need to be happy with me so that I can raise a healthy from my illness of course (well healthy me, but I only have.....ah you know what I'm sayin!)

Random Taste VS Feeling

Tomorrow begins what should be a pretty busy week for me till next week.

Big Thanks to My Incredible husband who loves me for me and supports our family is ways that leave me speechless.a family who never ceases to support, encourage, & love on each other in good times & in bad.a cozy home that Hubby & I can call our own.the resources to give back to others and support those causes that are dear to our hearts.a God who loves me, sent his son to die for me, and guides me through each & everyday regardless of how I treated Him the day before.I'm so thankful to God for...Thanks Baby..!!

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