
Sunday, 16 October 2011

Ring for him

Last week I struggled a lot to get the best and unique for wedding ring for my future husband.
Many of you must be facing the same problem like me and hence I have decided to explore the section of his rings. wedding rings are gifted as a symbol of deep love and desire to stay with each other, through all the ups and downs of life, for years to come.Wedding ring is a silent gesture of lifelong commitment, eternal love, trust, appreciation, devotion and care for each other. Wedding rings were initially exchanged, or presented, only to women and they were traditionally worn in the left ring finger. However, with passing time, they are now worn in the left middle finger but my fiance said the tradition here ,we should be put the ring on into ring finger, so that they can be distinguished from any ring The best thing about wedding rings is that they can be a great gift for the man you love!

When it comes to selecting promise rings for him, you need to be aware of his taste for jewelry and the latest trends in mens about wedding ring. Most men are not fond of wedding rings, or any jewelry for that matter. Hence, if you really want to get him a ring, then make sure that you convey to him all that you know about wedding ring meaning . To make it more intense, you may also buy a pair of wedding rings (one for yourself as well). Keep in mind that promise rings are totally different from any rings.Being so, there is always a great chance for you to experiment with the patterns and types of wedding rings and choose a totally unique wedding ring for your man. No matter whether you want to gift him an abstinence ring (purity ring) or a pre-engagement ring, always consider his personality and preferences. If it makes you really confused, then you can also take him with you to shop for rings. Well, here are the latest trends of wedding ring.

I love him a lot and happy marriage for us..Yayy..!!


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