
Monday, 14 March 2011

Feeling down… down… down…




I feel like I have been down in the gutters for the past few days and have not been able to figure out why. I had a great time waiting to move on with new apartment but i don't even knew why since then I have found it very hard to put a smile on my face… 

I hate feeling like this. I know it affects my family and everyone else around me and I hate that. I know that I need to push through these crappy feelings and come out the other end stronger… but I also know that it’s not easy. It’s not like waking up the next day and everything feeling all better with puppies and rainbows. I know I am the only one who can make things better and I have the tools I need to accomplish my final goal

So… I will think happy thoughts and try to come up with a game plan to make things better.


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