
Sunday, 30 January 2011

Finally i made my own curry puff..Ehekksss..!!

I love curry puff so much, ever since I was a kid. However, I started making my own curry puff only a few years back when living In Malaysia, 3 curry puffs for RM1 still can be found in many places. Why make then? Homemade always the best, I will know what I am eating.

Wooopssy..forgot to edit this picture.!!

Ingredients (24 pcs):
250g all-purpose flour
50g rice flour
50g butter
50g vegetable oil
130ml icy cold water + pinch of salt
600g potato, peeled and diced
1 large onion, diced
tbsps curry powder (for seafood)
Finelly chopped chicken
2 tbsp vegetable oil
Some curry leaves
1 cup water (+/-)
Salt to taste
  1. Filling: Heat oil in wok, add in curry leaves and onion. Stir-fry onion until translucent then add in potato and chicken
  2. Cook until potato and chicken has changed colour on the edges then add in curry powder and chilli paste (if using). Cook for 1 minute, add in water and bring to boil.
  3. Add salt to taste, then turn the heat down and cook with lid on until potato is soften and the liquid is reduced.
  4. Cool completely before use.
  5. Pastry: In a large mixing bowl, bring 3 types of flours together and mix well. Set aside.
  6. In a small sauce pan, melt and heat butter with oil.
  7. Pour hot oil over flours in the mixing bowl. Then, mix thoroughly with a wooden spatula or chopsticks.
  8. Add in water and knead to form soft dough. Cover dough with plastic wrap and rest for at least 15 minutes.
  9. Assemble: Divide and shape dough into 24 equal balls. Then roll out each ball into a 8-10cm circle, wrap in a heap tablespoon. Pinch edges to seal, then deep-fry in medium hot oil until golden brown.
Cook's Notes:
  1. If swirl pastry version is preferred, check out my other post for pastry recipe.
  2. Potato can be substituted with sweet potato.
  3. To keep in the freezer, pack into small packets (leave space between each puff).Can be kept in the freezer up to 3 months.
  4. For this curry puff, it should have lots of puffed spots after fried.

Friday, 28 January 2011

freakin bored

alright sometimes i feel if i wasnt around there would be no difference to the world. im finding my life to be really sad and lifeless.I don't think I'm depressed or anything. I'm just not happy like before..And sometimes i love to be silence but there's making me feel more bored..!!!i hate it..!!

And sometimes i felt lost,and decide to walking around for no reason..

Gggrrr..i need to concentrate what i need to do now..!!scrip writing,study,work..!!arghhh..!!!Lots of thing in 
my mind..cant wait to going back my hometown..!!Malaysia here i come..!!hukkk..!!hukkkk..!!!huk..!!

I want my Mummy..!!
I want my Daddy...!!!

I can't live without music

I can't live without music. I'm not making music, only listening. Well these are what I hear recently.

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Kemalasan datang lagi..!!Haaiishh..!!

Issshhh...!!!Stresss la camni,mana idea nie..????

Saya rase kan..simptom malas update blog saya ni macam dah dtg balik..


tengokla camne..lagipon xde cter best nak tulih pon..;(

dan..saya sgt jiwa kaco..;(((

keje byk..!!!Ggggrrr...

Saya dah giler..!!tdo dulu cari idea lam mimpi..ZZzzzz...

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Buat saya tersenyum

tadi saya pergi kat satu blog ni .
saya tengok URL blog saya ade dekat blog list dia .
korang  tahu ape ?
hee ~

dia dah buat saya tersenyum lebar lebar .

rasa gembira jehh ni ;)walaupun idung ngah meleleh ngan air ingus..(cis kwang asam btoil)

dia letak URL blog saya sekali dengan blogger blogger pemes doshh !
duhh ~ segan saya
okayy tipu bangga saya .

tapi , saya mintak maaf sangat sangat .
saya tak boleh nak letak blog list korang korang dekat side bar .
sebab saya kadang kadang online pakai handphone .
kene kurang kan berat blog  .
jadi terpaksa lah saya korban kan blog list .
huu~ sorry .
bukan tak hargai tapi keadaan mendesak ;D

Happy Mode..:-)

tengok gelagat bloggers.

Assalamualaikum ;)

hari ni saya blank .
blank makna nya kosong .
macam fill in the blank =.='
sebab dari pagi tadi sneezing tak berenti
bagai nak runtuh batang idung saya ni asik  dok kena blow nose

saya nak jadi pemerhati jeh hari ni .
tengok gelagat bloggers yang geli hati .
pastu boleh gelak gelak untuk hiburkan hati .
  • blogger gila traffic 
  • blogger kejar nuffnang (nasib baik saya tk ltk kat nuffnang,klu tak kompom tax kejor, bangangnya malaysia..)
  • blogger butthurt (saya baru paham ape makna butthurt)
  • blogger stalker

dan macam macam jenis blogger lagi .

korang tahu ape ?
semalam aku TERAPPROVE stalker kat fb .
vavii gila .

eh , dah pesan jangan gaduh gaduh kann ?
haiipp !

malam ni nak lepak mana eh ?
HAHA ! lepak waklu !
esok pagi keje doshh ~mintak2 ley keje sok,jgn demam iye sok..!!haissshhhh..!!
keje,keje,keje lagi =.='

Inside the room of my soul.!!

Hey, It's me again and you'll never find anyone out there like me. I'm a people..!!-person and I love meeting new people every day. I love to laugh, I'm always on the upbeat, and love to make people laugh. I can make anybody feel comfortable. I can hold a conversation w/ anyone of any age and walk of life. I don't get intimidated easily. I like to be spontaneous, but at the same time I like stability. I have an awesome sense of humor, politically correct or not. Oh yes, and I love love love to drive. Anywhere. 
I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Even the worst of things. Eventually time will tell. I have absolutely NO REGRETS

I can honestly tell you that everything bad thing that has happened to me and all the mistakes I've made (which weren't too many)have made me the person I am today, and has brought me where I am now. I'm very optimistic and can find the good in everything. I guess I'm a weirdo huh? lol I believe that what is meant to be will be. 

I don't do drugs, in which I pride myself in. I'm high off life, I don't need drugs. Just give me some music, a car, and the road and I'm Golden. 

I'm a little bit more mature than people my age. I was always hanging with the older crowd growing up. I dunno if that makes a lick of difference or not. I do act silly at times and crack a lot of jokes (which is why some people don't take me seriously), but you can't be serious all the time. I've learned that having a sense of humor and joking w/ people usually brings out the best in everyone. It helps make people more comfortable in certain situations. 

Wuuuuuiiiiiioooo..!!!what the hell am i talking right now..?well this is just part of my life u guy's should know who i am  behind this name..!!!this is me...and sometime i just out of track but its doesn't mean i'm a weird person..


MAYBE . . . We were supposed to meet the wrong people before meeting the right one so that, when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift 

MAYBE . . . When the door of happiness closes, another opens; but, often times, we look so long at the closed door that we don't even see the new one which has been opened for us.

MAYBE . . . It is true that we don't know what we have until we lose it, but it is also true that we don't know what we have been missing until it arrives. 

MAYBE . . . The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way. 

MAYBE . . . The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past; after all, you can't go on successfully in life until you let go of your past mistakes, failures and heartaches. 

MAYBE . . . You should dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go, be what you wan t to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you dream of, and want to do. 

MAYBE . . . There are moments in life when you miss someone, a parent, a spouse, a love, a friend, a child so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real, so that once they are around you appreciate them more. 

MAYBE . . . The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had. 

MAYBE ... You should always try to put yourself in others' shoes. If you feel that something could hurt YOU, it probably will hurt the other person, too. 

MAYBE ... You should do something nice for someone every single day, even if it is simply to leave them alone. 

MAYBE . . . Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they will love you back. Don't expect love in return. Just wait for it to grow in their heart. Bu t, if it doesn't, be content that it grew in yours. 

MAYBE . . . Happiness waits for all those who cry, all those who hurt, all those who have searched, and all those who have tried, for ONLY THEY can appreciate the importance of all the people who have touched their lives. 

MAYBE . . . You shouldn't go for looks. They can deceive. Don't go for wealth. Even that fades away! Go for someone who makes you smile, because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart smile. 

MAYBE . . . You should hope for enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, and enough hope to make you happy. 

MAYBE . . . You should try to live your life to the fullest because when you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. But when you die, you can be the one who is smiling and everyone around you crying. 

MAYBE...You shouldnt make someone a priority if they have only made you an OPTION. 

When I stand up for myself and my beliefs, they call me a bitch. When I stand up for those I love, they call me a bitch. When I speak my mind, think my own thoughts or do things my own way, they call me a bitch. Being a bitch means I won't compromise what's in my heart. It means I live my life MY way. It means I won't allow anyone to step on me. When I refuse to tolerate injustice and speak against it, I am defined as a bitch. The same thing happens when I take time for myself instead of being everyone's maid, or when I act a little selfish. It means I have the courage and strength to allow myself to be who I truly am and won't become anyone else's idea of what they think I "should" be. I am outspoken, opinionated and determined. I want what I want and there is nothing wrong with that! So try to stomp on me, try to douse my inner flame, try to squash every ounce of beauty I hold within me. You won't succeed. And if that makes me a bitch , so be it. I embrace the title and am proud to bear it.

I have a warm hearted and open minded person. It's easy for me to forgive and forget.

I am a grounded person, but i'm also leave room for imagination and dreams. i feet may be on the ground, but my head is in the clouds.

I believe that people see me as larger than life and important. While this is true, they also think me a bit full of myself.

My near future is all about change, but in very small steps. The end of the journey looks far, but it's much closer than i realize.

For me, love is all about caring and comfort. I couldn't fall in love with someone I didn't trust.So watch out guy out there..!!!kedebabooooooommmm..!!!

Monday, 24 January 2011

Sakit Itu Kifarah Dosa :')

Dengan nama Allah yang Wujud dan Kekal Abadi.

Fever,flu,sore throat and leg pain..!!!Haiiiisshhh...Apalah nasib..!!!

Saya akui, saya ada sedikit mengeluh dengan ujian Allah nie. Malu pulak dengan Allah sebab saya merungut dengan ujian yang baru seringan nie. Sakit saya nie tak sampai suku pon deritanya Nabi Ayyub 'alaihissalaam. Itu pon saya da merungut dan mengeluh? Astaghfirullah . . . betapa saya kurang sabar.

Tapi alhamdulillah, saya syukur. Pabila berbicara dengan seseorang sebelum tido smalam, saya telah diingatkan bahawa ujian sakit ini adalah tanda Allah sayangkan hambaNya kerna sakit itu adalah kifarah dosa-dosa yang telah dilakukan.

Sungguh, manusia ini pelupa bila diberikan ujian. Kerna itu kita perlu teman untuk mengingatkan kita untuk kembali mengemudi langkah atas jalanNya. InsyaAllah.

Terima kaseh teman, kerna mengingatkan. Terima kaseh Allah, atas ujian penguji kesabaran jua sebagai kifarah dosa saya.

yang selalu saya dengar, sakit itu kifarah dosa. apa itu kifarah?

'Kifarah adalah balasan Allah di dunia akibat dosa yang dilakukan oleh seorang hambanya, juga ujian-ujian Allah itu boleh berlaku, yang mungkin melibatkan kematian orang yang dikasihi, kehilangan harta benda ataupun penyakit, tidak kira sama ada penyakit tersebut berlaku dalam tempoh masa yang lama ataupun sekejap bergantung kepada ketentuan (qada’) Ilahi atau buat selama-lamanya sehingga mati. Selagi ketentuan (qada’) bagi sakit itu belum menepati qada’ Allah, maka sakit (kifarah) tadi tidak akan sembuh biarpun pelbagai usaha dilakukan oleh manusia. jelas disini membuktikan bahawa ada di antara penyakit itu akan sembuh dengan sendiri biarpun tanpa usaha manusia untuk mendapatkan kesembuhan ataupun tidak akan sembuh biarpun banyak usaha untuk menyembuhkannya telah dilakukan.'
Sayyidatina Aishah ada berkata, bahawa baginda Rasulullah ada bersabda yang bermaksud: Tidak menimpa ke atas seorang mukmin satu kecelakaan, biarpun duri,ataupun lebih daripada itu, melainkan Allah akan menggugurkan dengannya satu dosa.(Maksud hadis riwayat Al-Bukhari dan Muslim)
Dalam sebuah hadis lain Rasulullah s.a.w. juga pernah bersabda yang bermaksud: Rintihan orang sakit tercatat sebagai tasbih, kegelisahan dan jeritannya sebagai tahlil, nafasnya seumpama sedekah, tidurnya sebagai ibadah dan kegelisahannya,daripada satu,bahagian ke satu bahagian lain adalah bagaikan jihad kerana Allah s.w.tdan ditulis baginya sebaik-baik amalan yang pernah dilakukan semasa sihat.

" Ya Allah! Aku ini hambaMu yang kerdil dan lemah. Sungguh terkadang aku lupa dan merintih, merungut dan mengeluh dengan ujianMu. Sedangkan ujianMu itu tanda kasih sayangMu terhadapku. Aku risau andai keluhan kesahku, rungutan dan rintihanku mengundang murkaMu.Aku takut andai keluhan kesahku, rungutan dan rintihanku membawa aku jauh dariMu, ya Allah! Lalu, dengan RahmatMu kupohon keberkatan insan-insan bernama teman dan sahabat sebagai penyeri hidupku dan pengingat aku kepadaMu di kala aku lupa."

Friday, 21 January 2011

S.I.C.K..- I've been sick -

Hello everyone. I wanted to blog yesterday but I was busy doing my homework. But it’s pointless cos everything I did was totally wrong. Nyahaha! Well I went for work yesterday, and I’d like to say it was really damn tired... !!Today is the last day of the third week of class and work and I’m not feeling so well. I got headache,and my tears always comeout for no reason ,my leg pain and really, and I really not in the steady state (ceh engineering plak kan. LOL). Erm, I really want to update my activities and all but I don’t think it’s the right time. . But my sister Adde has conviced me took few vitamins can make me better. I think ill start taking some hopefully Ill be better soon! And yeah, I sort of have homework for tomorrow. But I don’t think I’m larat enough to do it so have a good day, everyone.

1001 Love..( i think )

If Love was a person, how do you think he or she would be like? maybe, he(or she, whatever tickles your fancy) likes to eat Thai food. Or watch the E! news. Maybe he likes talking on the phone, or not, maybe he's a texting kinda guy, maybe he likes taking a walk at night. He could be good looking, this, really hot guy who looks like Ashton Kutcher, breaking hearts and faces, a total douche, really mean. Shows no mercy and only cares about himself, maybe he's a rockstar with drug problems. Or maybe he's the total opposite. He could be as cute and dorky as Micheal Cera. Maybe Love is a dork! and nothing more! Sweet. Always nice to you. Who tells you that everythings gonna be okay. Shows up randomly at your place with pepperoni pizza and and a really good DVD. Who holds your face and look into your your eyes like he will never leave you.

I've known Love since i was 15. I went to school and I had my first encounter with a boy. He was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, I swear. And I remember for the first time, i could feel my heart beating so fast. Little that I know that for the next 20 years, I will get that from time to time. That heart-beating-out of the chest thing. We had to make a kite for art class that day, and I didnt have a glue with me, so I gathered all my confidence, and asked him if i could use his glue. and he said "ambik la." which simply means "take it". The very juicy glue-borrowing flirting went on for a few years.. We would walk pass each other, and I would pretend that I dont care. Everytime he does that my heart skips a beat. And out of the 3 years we were in school together, all i got from him was a smile and after that i was move to school at town. One smile. Really. Love can be cute as a button.

Fast forward. I turned 19. I met a guy which is he's relates with my family,not much is like 'BAU2 MACANG TU' and immediately fell in love with him ..  and he smelled really nice. We were in love for about 2 Years, and he decided that he can't get because get bit opposition from the family side of him. I asked him if he loves me, and he said "YES." But hey he can't prove it at all..for me ACTION SPEACK LOUDER MORE THAN WORDS. If u can't prove it,u can go to hell..but the word come out only when i get mad... At least it was fun while it lasted, right? Love, my friends, can be short-lived and sweet. Hes married now. with someone from family arrangement..i'm happy for him now..

Then, shortly after that,one lead me to believe that everything was beautiful at first. We held each other's hands when we felt insecure. Made me leave a perfectly happy relationship. I gave him the world. He injected my boring life with unnecessary drama and heartaches. And then dumped me. And then you learn something new. OMG THERE IS A POSSIBILITY THAT EVERYTHING YOU KNEW WAS JUST A LIE. You could be Truman of the Truman Show. Love can be a psycho,5 minute short film involving chainsaws with ok-looking actors with amateurish acting skills. Or this really disturbing human rights violation video you watched on Youtube showing kids getting shot in a war-zone. Short. But it will haunt you forever.

So how do you think Love would be like if he was just a guy. Maybe he enjoys smoking after meals. Or smokes weed occasionally. Maybe, he shoplifts for fun. Maybe he's a father of 3 kids. Maybe he has 3 wives. Maybe he's a Muslim who's in love with a Jewish girl. Maybe he's looking for a roommate to share his apartment with. Maybe he collects Star Wars toys. Maybe he's a straight fashion designer. Maybe he rides a fixed gear. Maybe he's dating a celebrity. Maybe he's a guy who digs older women. Maybe he's just young and confused and doesn't know what he wants. Maybe he doesn't want to get hurt being in love with someone. Maybe just like you, he wonders what would Love be like if she was just a girl?or WHATEVER...!!!!

Monday, 17 January 2011

Airmata Ini

Air mata ini kembali jatuh seperti saya yang kembali terjatuh disini
Jika saya boleh berharap, saya berharap setiap bulir air mata saya yang terjatuh ini pun perlahan meruntuhkan semua rasa saya ini
Hingga akhirnya ketika saya berhenti menangis nanti, saya pun berhenti memiliki rasa ini untuk awak..

Rasa yang menyesakkan dada
Rasa yang membuat saya melambung saat awak menyapa
Rasa yang membuat saya meninggi saat awak menanyakan kabar saya
Dan rasa yang seketika menjatuhkan saya saat saya tersadar bahwa awak hanyalah semu dalam mimpi saya saja karena telah ada ia dalam nyata hidup saya.

Menuju Titik Terang Itu

Aku terjatuh disini
Ingin rasanya aku menemukan satu titik terang itu di depan sana
Dan ketika kutemukan titik itu, ingin rasanya aku berlari menuju kesana
Tapi kakiku kaku
Aku mencoba menggerakkannya dan tetap tak bisa
Bagaimana cara aku menemukannya jika aku hanya terjatuh diam disini
Hei aku butuh seseorang untuk membantuku
Aku butuh seseorang untuk menuntunku
Aku butuh seseorang untuk menggenggam tanganku menuntunku kesana
Tapi apa yang bisa aku lakukan?
Aku hanya bisa disini menunggu
Aku menunggu tangan itu mengenggam tanganku dan menuntunku kesana
Tanganmukah yang akan menggenggamnya?
Kulihat kebelakang, ada sesosok bayangan yang menghampiriku
Apa itu kamu?
Kucoba mencari garis yang membentuk wajah dari bayangan itu
Tapi semua masih semu, tak jelas dan gelap
Aku tertunduk dan berharap
Berharap garis wajah itu membentuk wajah yang selama ini berputar di kepalaku
Membentuk garis wajahmu
Ya itu harapanku
Harapanku yang sama seperti aku berharap tangan yang akan menggenggamku itu adalah tanganmu
Harapanku yang sama seperti aku berharap tangan yang akan menuntunku itu adalah tanganmu
Harapanku yang sama seperti aku berharap tangan yang akan membantuku ketika ku terjatuh itu adalah tanganmu

Tapi jika takdir berkata lain?
jika garis wajah itu tak membentuk wajahmu?
Jika bukan tanganmu yang menggengamku?
Jika bukan tanganmu yang menuntunku?
Jika bukan tanganmu yang membantuku?

Ah sungguh aku tak pandai berandai-andai jika aku harus membayangkan bukan kamu yang disisiku
Karena jika bukan kamu yang di sisiku mungkin imajiku akan melayang dan menghilang bersamamu
Saat ini aku hanya ingin berharap dan berandai itu dirimu
Tapi jika bukan?
Biarkan Tuhan menjalankan peran terbaik-Nya untukku
Yang jelas aku tetap disini menunggu
Menunggu seseorang menggenggam tanganku dan berjalan mencari menuju titik itu berdampingan
Titik terang yang dapat menyempurnakan setengah agama kita


I don’t know… I just don’t know anymore…

      I guess in an ironic sort of way it could be funny. The older I get the younger I feel, but not in the good ways. So often I just find myself tired, worn out and broken in so many of places, the mark of time catching up on me. Yet now…now the things I once thought I knew the answers to just give me more questions and I wonder what I even knew to begin with.

      My life never used to seem this complicated before, I never seemed this lost before.  But now… now as the darkness of the empty room seems to encompass me I am left to wonder. Once this room seemed so full of life and happiness and joy. As I look around it now though it seems so hollow, drained, bare and devoid of comfort and all I am left with is this deep and abiding sorrow that seems to take over inside, this gnawing feeling at the bottom of my stomach that makes me weak, as if I just want to break down right here and right now and just cry out, just scream.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Resepi kuih buah melaka made by Me & Adde plus Richard..!!

Wahhhhh..!!!Today i made the Traditional Malaysian kuih..Kuih Buah Melaka

First step

Second step

third step

Last step..Enjoyyy...!!!!;-)

This is the receipe of this Traditional Malaysia Kuih buah Melaka.

English version.
1 pack of glutinous rice flour
4 tablespoons flour
Pandan leaf coloring
Gula Melaka (cut into small pieces)
Shredded coconut

how to make it

Mix glutinous rice flour and wheat flour with water. Put pandan leaf coloring. If you want better taste, use water that has been blended pandan leaves.
Take a mixture of your thumb and rounded for easy pill to want to estimate its size, then flatten it.
Place a sugar pill to melaka and round.
Boiled in a pot of water to a boil.
Put the cake into the pan and lift the cakes are arising. Evaporated and leave immediately.
Mix with grated coconut cake today.
Ready to eat.
Good luck..

Malay Version.

1 bungkus tepung pulut
4 sudu tepung gandum
Pewarna daun pandan
Gula Melaka (dipotong kecil-kecil)
Kelapa parut


Bancuh tepung pulut dan tepung gandum dengan air. Masukkan pewarna daun pandan. Kalau nak lebih sedap, guna air daun pandan yang telah dikisar.
Ambil adunan sebesar ibu jari dan gentel menjadi bulat supaya senang nak anggarkan saiznya, kemudian leperkan.
Letakkan gula melaka dan gentel menjadi bulat.
Jerang air dalam periuk sehingga mendidih.
Masukkan kuih ke dalam periuk dan angkat apabila kuih-kuih tersebut timbul. Sejat dan biarkan seketika.
Gaulkan kuih tadi dengan kelapa parut.
Siap untuk dimakan.
Selamat mencuba..;-)

Wednesday, 12 January 2011


kenapa saya tibe-tibe rasa sedih nie ..
air mata saya jatuh la ..
o.m.g ! ..
kenapa nie ..
hati ..
kenapa nie ..
kenapa ..
hati ..
tolong jangan wat saya menagis ..
tolong ..
hati ..
sabar la ..
sabar untuk ape ae ..
sudah la ..
jangan nak wat saya menangis ..

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