
Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Randomly updating


I know it's been awhile since my last updating in here isn't?And it's just a silence without any interesting news.Don't know why though,but my life now it's pretty fun,full of happiness,full of  LOVE and sometimes i just being lazy to wrote something in here.Because i just don't want waste my time while i am happy with MR HUBBY..

See how happy we both,and thats make me more lazy to update,my husband also asking me about why i am not updating my blog,and he just wondering why..Can't tell the reason,but i got no stories to tell,and i think sometimes i prefer to keep my life as humble as i can.I wont people said that i wanna show of and telling people how happy i am now,but yeah,obviously thats what i feel now..If my voice can hear with anybody in this world,i will be screaming and telling them i am such a lucky random girl and living in FULL OF LOVE..My day every single day,it's totally awesome..I am so grateful that finally i find my SOULMATE..Yes baby,u are my SOULMATE.. 

Thursday, 3 May 2012


Today is already third of May,another weeks to go. I'm thrilled. I feel happy and excited and paranoid sometimes for some reason.I also feel so content and grateful... very, very grateful because i go through my difficult time with someone that i love.

Stephan ( Baby ) - My Lovely Husband, for being ultimately supportive and truly believing I can achieve anything. Patiently letting me write, research and learn everyday without ever complaining. But also for throwing necessary questions my way, which only served to make me work harder and believe more.

My family - for not questioning me, for seeing my passion and for simply loving me. No strings.

My friends - you know who you are! For providing me with countless opportunities to grow, for being supportive, for being excited at every step and for pushing me. 

The Universe - for listening to my calls for direction, guiding me on my search and then literally dumping a million signs in my lap that I was finally aligning to who I am!

Readers - anyone who has ever read my blog, even once. You make me accountable to this blog, you push me to write more, research more and to keep living and breathing what I love. You also kindly overlooked my rushed blogs with spelling mistakes and missing letters.
Thanking you!

And lastly to (ME), myself and I - I thank you for finally listening to your inner voice and not your ego wrapped in fear, insecurity and caution. You have taken many steps to get you to a place of true nourishment in your relationships, career and personal life. I JUST LOVE ME AND LOVE MY LIFE.

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