Okay here goes the questions:
1. If you could, would you go back to high school?
Haha...definitely not. I've said before how horrible my high school experience was. And for those of you who are...well like me; and wont click the link. Lemme just say it was horrible cause I was an ugly, medically challenged duckling. ha. Thats got you intrigued doesnt it? Wink, Wink....thats how cool I am now peoples!
2. If a genie appeared and granted you two wishes, what would they be? (And, no saying "more wishes".)
Darn. I wanted to say more wishes cause two just ain't enough! This is not a fair question. Sigh. Oh well, gotta get over it. Ummmm..........they would be that one - my Mr Hubby be healthy want for anything. Cause you know....he are precious person and I gots to make sure he are cared for.
hmmm gotta wonder though - whats with me talking all ghetto?
Oh well. Anyhows, if it were for me only. I would want um.....to have the ability to adopt as many kids as possible and ummmm......world peace? Yeah. Can't think of another one. Eh..lemme go with the tride and true - ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD!
Yeah I know. Cop Out.
3. What kids show do you secretly like?
Sadly enough - a lot of them. ( no have any children yet) like my nephew..well there really aren't many out there for my nephew age. But I like um.......My Friends Tigger and Pooh
4. What is your beverage of choice?
Well, since I'm trying to lose weight - water. Ha who am I kidding? Flavored drink mix stuff (like Cherry & Strawberry water). That stuff is so..........hold the stinkin phone!
So my beverage of choice is cherry water. And lots of it. Dang. Why didn't I think of that in the first place? Sigh. Yeah, I know I hear it too:
"I could wile away the hours....conferring with the flowers............."
5. What is something that you would change about yourself (or are working to change in yourself)?
Well, I would change my butt and my jelly belly. But I'm a bit busy this week on changing that in myself with new appearance . Oh wait....is that not what you meant? Oh ok. Well, I'm trying to change the fact that I am trying to be perfect all of the stinkin time. Its hard trying to please everyone and be perfect in their eyes and I'm just tired of it.
I did it in high school and frankly I am tired of taking steps back (is that how you say it?). I want to move forward! I wanna be a better me for myself and yes also for Mr Hubby! Yeah...that sounded pathetic romantic? Ehekss!!Well too......who am I kidding it is pathetic trying to be perfect for someone else! I need to be happy with me so that I can raise a healthy from my illness of course (well healthy me, but I only have.....ah you know what I'm sayin!)