
Monday, 28 February 2011

Oooohhh Migraine..!!

isnin saya sakit kepala. selasa saya migraine, abang kepada sakit kepala... rabu saya xsedap badan... khamis saya demam... jumaat saya ting tong... sabtu,ahad back to normal,isnin sakit kepala balik..!!ggrrr..MENCI..!!!!

aarggghhh menci menci... x suka... sbb x boleh nak kacau org, x boleh nak jalan sane sini... duduk kat meja tutup dgn shawl tampal koyok satu kepala sampai saya sendiri rasa "muka aku pecah ke?" hehe.. ...

tetapi saya di dalam kesakitan yg tidak dapat di terjemahkan di dalam bahasa melayu ataupun inggeris mahupun bahasa mandarin tahap 3 yg saya pelajari suatu ketika dahulu di kolej bersama2 teman2. 

hari ini hari isnin, satu hari saya sakit kepala plus tintong and dah naik fed up dah nk makan ubat sebab kalau makan pun masih tingtong... sampaila kul 8pm tadi baru saya kembali kepada normal, maknanya saya sudah mula bercakap dgn sesiapa saja selepas ini..YAHOOOO..!!!! 

Friday, 25 February 2011

House Hunting..

I waited impatiently to move into a new apartment, I had just gone to see two houses, but I'm pleased that the first one I saw earlier .. so is adde, she likes that because the tram station is near with my future house,very convinience  ..I hope I can sorted out about it soon..

Ini yang ku rasa ini ku alami

Ini yang saya rasa..ini yang saya alami... 

resah dan kelam rasa semacam.... 

hati yang tercalar...usah dibalut..kerna..parut akan tetap kelihatan... 

ragam dan kisah bagaikan memamah usia saya..yang makin meningkat.. 

mendekatkan saya yang pasti untuk ke 'sana'...pengakhirannya... 

Ini yang saya rasa..ini yang saya alami... 

kenangan demia kenangan akan tetap silih berganti.. 

mengambil tempatnya...menayangkan di ruang kotak fikiran... 

kadang-kadang memilukan..kadang-kadang memberikan kemanisan.. 


itu bukan pengukuran buat saya... 

kerna kenangan pastinya memberikan seribu erti dan makna... 

terutamanya buat saya... 

bila kenangan yang ditinggalkan..tercipta suatu sejarah..untuk hidup.. 

yang hitam ataupun putih... 

kita yang memegang pena untuk mencorakannya... 

ke utara...selatan..timur...dan barat... 

itu panduan arah...berlandaskan Al-Quran Al-sunnah... 

menjadi pedoman....hingga ke akhir hayat...selagi nafas dikandung badan... 

Ini yang saya rasa..ini yang saya alami... 

pedihnya hati...tiada yang mengetahui..yang pasti hanyalah Ilahi... 

mencari-cari jawapan diri berliku-berliku jalannya...pasti saya hadapi.. 

meninggalkan yang telah pergi...amat2lah bererti... 

tapi dengan berat hati untuk melepaskan pergi... 

panjatkan doa moga diberikan kejahteraan oleh Ilahi itu sudah pasti... 

kerna, dengan apa-apa yang terjadi pasti ada hikmah yang tersembunyi... 

Ini yang saya rasa..ini yang saya alami... 

ada saat terhenti langkah saya ini... 

mati akal sempurna saya ini.... 

jatuh tersungkur pasti saya temui.... 

kebangkitan itulah yang menjadi pengganti.. 

dalam perlumbaan hidup ini... 

Ini yang saya rasa...ini yang saya alami... 

persinggahan pada diri ini...bilakah akan berakhir... 

ruang kemaafan menjadi sandaran kelembutan.. 

menghilangkan secebis kemarahan....walau... 

ianya tetap melekat di sanubari.... 

Ini yang saya rasa...ini yang saya alami... 

yang pastinya...tiadan pun mengetahui... 

cuma hanyalah Dia.. 

untuk petah saya berbicara.... 

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

What a day

hey, sup bloggers?

i'm not in the mood to blog right now. Don't get me wrong, i'm okay but yeah just that i'm in my lazy mood 

nothing happened today, but i dont know why but i keep thinking about this thing. hm oh no, please god, no ;s

That's pretty much it, i know, what a boring day eh?
so, i'm going to do my cooking now, see you laterr

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

I just hate it..

The last few days  I have been in a really cranky mood and I feel sorry for everyone around me. I honestly do. This includes my friends, , family members, everyone. I don't think anyone is safe from my wrath when I'm in this mood.

I don't really have an excuse, I've just been bitchy, for lack of a better word. I've been a complete bitch in every sense of the word. I hate getting out of bed in the morning, I hate getting a shower, I hate getting dressed, I hate going to work, I hate working. I hate go to class, I hate eating, I hate having to figure out what's for dinner, doing the dishes, etc. I know everyone hates doing certain things but at this moment I hate my life. I hate my weight, I hate myself for letting myself get to this point. I don't want to do anything about it. I hate that I don't keep in touch with friends that I love and I don't want to do anything about it at this point. I hate that I don't call family members who don't always have the time or means to call me. It would take 20 minutes on my Saturday to call them.

I hate that I don't have any children in this age now. I hate that I don't want to spend the time to go to the doctor to take care of myself, even though I am getting old and now is really the time to do that. I hate myself for not taking my medicine like I'm supposed to and I hate that I don't care enough to do it.

I hate my apartment now. I hate cleaning it. I don't want to clean it. . I hate everything in them. I hate that I don't have the money to do certain things I want because i have to saving and lots of thing need to do and I hate that I don't have the drive or ambition to do much more about it.

I hate work and everyone there. I hate that no one knows how to do shit and that I am the go-to person for every fucking thing. I hate that I am not strong enough to say 'enough.' I hate that I do not have the willpower to drive past a fast food restaurant, no matter how much good food is at home. I hate that I'll let it go to waste just because I'd rather have french fries & soda. I don't care.

That's my attitude right now and I really don't know what to do about it. Today is better. I told my mom I was sorry for being so snappy this few days and she told me that she thought that I was mad at her. How could I be mad at her? She has done so much for me in the past --scratch that--in my entire life. I hate that I went all weekend acting like a cranky bitch and had my mom thinking that. I'm glad I cleared it up but I still feel like shit about it.

Monday, 21 February 2011

What is wrong with me today..???

I’m too disgusted with myself to even look at the mirror and I wish this inferior feeling would just go away. 

I don't know what's wrong with me today, been feeling moody, sleepy and tired the whole day. I just really feel like hiding somewhere til' everything's okay.
i hate that feeling. the kind of feeling where i feel like doing anything is pointless. where i feel like i'm going no where (tell me if i’m in the right direction here).
well all i know is that feeling passes with a little time. i just wait it out and stay strong, theres always a better day a head..!!!!



A void negative people, places, things and habits. 
B elieve in yourself.
C onsider things from every angle.
D on't give up and don't give in.
E njoy life today, Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow 
may never come!
F amily and friends are hidden treasures. Seek 
them and enjoy their riches.
G ive more than you planned.
H ang on to your dreams.
I gnore those who try to discourage you! 
J ust do it!
K eep trying no matter how hard it seems. It will 
get easier!
L ove yourself first and most.
M ake dreams happen.
N ever lie, cheat or steal. Always strike a fair deal. 
O pen your eyes and see things as they really are. 
P ractice makes perfect.
Q uitters never win and winners never quit!
R ead and learn about everything important to you. 
S top procrastinating!
T ake control of your own destiny. 
U nderstand yourself in order to better understand 
V isualize your dreams.
W ant your dream more than anything.
X -ccelerate your efforts.
Y ou are a unique individual. Nothing can replace 
Z ero in on your goals and GO FOR THEM!

-hOw gIRls lOOk aT boYS-

-hOw gIRls lOOk aT boYS-

Kalau lelaki handsome pendiam, 
Perempuan akan cakap: woow, cool giler... 
kalau lelaki tak handsome pendiam, 
Perempuan akan cakap: ekelleh perasan bagus...
kalau lelaki handsome berbuat jahat ,
Perempuan akan kata: nobody's perfect 
kalau lelaki tak handsome berbuat jahat, perempuan akan cakap: memang.... muka pun macam pecah rumah!
kalau lelaki handsome menolong perempuan yg 
perempuan akan cakap: wah.. machonya.. macam hero filem! 
kalau lelaki tak handsome menolong perempuan yang diganggu, 
Perempuan akan kata: entah2 kawan dia...
kalau lelaki handsome dapat perempuan cantik, 
perempuan akan kata: sepadan sangat... 
kalau lelaki tak handsome dapat perempuan cantik, 
perempuan akan kata: mesti kena bomoh perempuan tuh!
kalau lelaki handsome ditinggal kekasih, 
perempuan akan kata: jangan sedih, kan saya 
kalau lelaki tak handsome ditinggal kekasih, 
perempuan akan kata:...(terdiam, tapi telunjuknya meliuk-liuk dari atas ke bawah, patutlah, tengok saja luarannya)...
kalau lelaki handsome penyayang binatang, 
perempuan akan cakap: perasaannya halus...penuh kasih sayang 
kalau lelaki tak handsome penyayang binatang, perempuan akan cakap: sesama keluarga memang harus menyayangi...
kalau lelaki handsome bawa BMW,
akan cakap: matching... hebat luar dalam 
kalau lelaki tak handsome bawaBMW,
perempuan akan cakap: bang, bosnya mana?.
kalau lelaki handsome tak mau bergambar, 
perempuan akan cakap: pasti takut kalau2 
gambarnya tersebar 
kalau lelaki tak handsome tak mau bergambar, perempuan akan kata: tak sanggup melihat hasilnya ya?
kalau lelaki handsome selalu ajak jumpa, 
perempuan akan cakap: ok...klu boleh ari ari nak jumpa..... 
kalau lelaki tak handsome selalu ajak jumpa, perempuan akan kata: tak apa laa, i bz atau 
bf i tak kasi kuar atau i dah berpunya.... 
HAHAHHAHA....lumrah dunia...aper nak wat..
macamtue gak perangai ORG LELAKI pd ORG PEREMPUAN YG TAK LAWA kn????
JGN MARE......

Saturday, 19 February 2011

What a lazy weekend..

What a fantastical lazy weekend i had at my house this weekend! I woke up on Saturday bout 1pm,and still lying on my lovely bed..,Adde ready for our lunch on our bed,such a good weekend isn't it??

It’s a cozy, lazy, snuggly time of year. Time to cook your favorite chili’s and stews and all that fabulous comfort food that sits in your belly and just sings to your soul..What’s your favorite thing to do on a lazy day?Chill out babe..!!Yihahhhh..!!!

Public holidays are great for doing things but, with the inevitable queues involved when going away or talking part in any sort of activity whilst the rest of the country is also off work, many people opt for an extra day of lazing around.
The problem when you spend two days doing virtually nothing is that, although it gives your mind and body a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, getting going again afterwards can be extremely difficult. Once your mind gets into that inactive state, it takes often more than an alarm clock and caffeine to wake it up again.

Friday, 18 February 2011

Going to west is west launching

Watch Ila Arun, Om Puri at West Is West Press Conference and Red Carpet in ODEON PRINTWORK 27 WITHY GROVE MANCHESTER CITY CENTRE

It was a starry red carpet outside the Odeon of printwork Manchester, Ila Arun,Om Puri and lots of stars from england as well but i forget the name because so many actor and actress in there..Their launch the movie of WEST IS WEST,the story about Pakistan & English culture and the film was so brilliant and so touching..i gave them a 5 stars for that film,their probably release that film around this 25 of February..i cant wait to watch again..i love Sajeed,his the one son of the english woman and pakistani people..i can't story here no more,because its no point for me to story here,should be surprise..but honestly its very touching film..

Im going with Anorak,witch is his a really best friend of and Anorak had 2 VVIP ticket for red carpet and launching west is west..and after finish the launching i really feel bloody starving and i wanted to eat some JAPANESE FOOD infront of the ODEON is wasabi,so i was decide just go having my dinner in there instead have to walk around and find some shop in town..its a bit cool to walk in this moment we having a lot's of conversation and chatting,by the way it's really fun because this is first time for Anorak with japanese food..and guess what..???i have to teach him how to use chop stik instead spoon or fork..hahhahha,it's bloody funny..!!but damn fun..!!

Thanks to Anorak for a great evening and u lots man..!!hahhahha..xxxx

Thursday, 17 February 2011

10 tips for self improvement

While I do not always end up managing to put each of the following tips into practice, I do make a big effort to do so each day. This is a list of my favorite tips to improving my life and maybe your life as well. All it takes is a little bit each day and you will see wondrous changes. ...
1 - Get off to a Good Start

This means getting up early and eating breakfast. You will have much more energy throughout the day to follow the rest of these tips if you do! If you are so inclined, you can even include a little exercise in your morning routine. If you live with other people you can try to use this opportunity to get everyone together at the table to eat in the mornings. This is a nice way to start the day and a good way to ensure open lines of communication in a very busy household.

2 - Keep a Schedule
It is a very good idea to write down the tasks you need to achieve in each day. As you complete them, tick them off. You should not, however, feel like you are bound to your list. If you don’t manage to do everything, it doesn’t matter – move any incomplete tasks from today on to tomorrow’s list. This is also a great help if you are a procrastinator.

3 - Take a Break and have Fun
If you spend too much time in front of the computer like me, might be at your desk or doing whatever it is that your occupation requires, you should take a break. This doesn’t mean you have to take time off work – it just means you should try to make better use of your non-work time to do something fun. I always have difficulty pulling myself away from the computer and as a result I don’t go out as often as I should on the weekend or in the evening. But every time I do – I wonder why I haven’t done it sooner. This is a good way to develop new interests, and friends and to break up the monotony of everyday life.and it's really works..!!i love it..;-)

4 -  Be Generous

Generosity has a tendency to come back. By generosity I am not referring only to money. You can be generous with your smiles, your advice, and many other things. Always try to find a way to help others. One day you may be in great need and people you know will be more likely to come to your aid when they know that you would do the same for them. You might know someone that could use help around the home from time to time – not only are you doing a good thing by helping them out, but you may also make a great new friend.

5 -  Accept the things you can’t Change
When something bad happens in our lives, we try to fix them or change them. But sometimes we can’t. Often this leads us to spend hours moping and falling in to depression. If you can make yourself accept the things you cannot change – you will become a much happier person. Acceptance of these situations also allows us to start finding a way to cope much faster. For example, you may realize that you have only £10 left in your bank account that has to last the next 2 weeks. Instead of getting down about it, accept that you have no money and work out a way to survive on that amount. You can save yourself from wasting hours in a bad mood by just getting on with life. You will find much more serenity in life following this tip.
6 - Learn a New Language

Learning another language is one of the best ways to improve your grasp on English. In my own experience, learning English at high school taught me so much more about grammar than English class ever did. In addition, when I later started studying Ancient UK, I learnt a lot about the roots of English words – something I have found very useful in writing in the years since. As well as improving your knowledge of English, if you learn a living language you increase the number of places you might like to visit – or make those holidays much more enjoyable by being able to speak to the natives in their own tongue.

7 - Break the Chain

If you have a lot of patterns in your life, try breaking them – do something different every day. Let’s say you always order the same meal at your regular Friday night restaurant. Why not try something else this Friday? Not only do you get to broaden your experiences of life, you open up many doors for the future. Not long ago I would never eat oriental foods or seafood. Then one day I decided that I would just try it. Seafood is now one of my favorite foods and I would hate to be without it. Because I discovered that I love Thai and Chinese food, I can eat in any restaurant I want. That first step also meant that I am now willing to try absolutely any food (except maybe the ones on the Top 10 most Disgusting Foods list). My disliking for those foods had a much greater impact as well – I would only holiday in countries that had foods I felt safe with. Since then I have been to Oriental countries and loved it.

8 - Face the Fear

Every day you should do something you don’t want to do – or feel uncomfortable doing. This varies in degrees for everyone, but we all have little things we can start out with. For example, you may not go to the gym because you fear everyone looking at you – do it anyway! In no time you will be so much more confident that you abolish the fear entirely and can move on to the next fear – maybe even something bigger. Living a fearless life gives you a confidence that is visible to others. Instead of building walls around ourselves, we should be tearing them down.

9 - Forget Goals – Live for the Now
Lists of this nature almost always tell you to set and write goals. I am going to tell you the opposite. A very wise psychotherapist once told me that if you set a goal, and achieve it, you are often left with an empty feeling because the goal is not what you thought it would be. Not only does it not satisfy, you inevitably end up missing out on so much life by striving to reach something in the future. Having said this, I don’t think you should ignore the future – it is worth having some idea of what you might like to one day achieve – but don’t focus all of your energy on getting it. A good example of the difference is this: I have a goal to live in France. I spend 10 years trying to save up all my money so I can acheive that goal. In the meantime I am so busy scrimping and saving, that I can’t afford to go out with friends, I can’t afford to live in a nice home, and I am miserable because I am not living in France. On the other hand, if I simply decide that one day I would like to live in France, the idea is in my mind, but I continue to live and enjoy my life. In living my life, I am happy now and not focused on a distant goal. If it happens, great. If it doesn’t happen, I haven’t failed at anything. But who knows what wonderful things may happen in my life in the meantime? A very good fictitious example of this can be found in the film American Beauty.

10 - Don’t Procrastinate
This is one I struggle with a lot in my own life. This has been a great challenge for me as I work from home,study,and on my way build my own business here but taking this job has really helped me to stop putting things off and take control of my life. The feeling after completing a task you would normally put off is a great high – and certainly a much healthier one than some of the other highs in our lives. When you put something off, you are putting yourself into time-debt. You have to pay that debt back and almost always you end up having to do that at the most inconvenient time. By putting off writing an article for the site, for example, I end up having to write one at 7 at night when I would rather be watching a movie and having a drink! Your life will become so much more organized if you follow this rule.

Good Luck

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Why can life be so cruel sometimes...???

I feel like I have gained so many beautiful things in life, yet I have lost so many beautiful things I have gained. 

I have been very unlucky in love too, and when I finally have found the right Man, it turns out that we can't be together for longer due to us having conflicting goals in our careers. I have also lost a few best friends who I gave my all too, but for whatever reason things didn't work out.

Is life supposed to give and take? or am I just experiencing some bad luck. Are some people more fortunate than others?

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

from Malaysia to United Kingdom, I still love to EAT.. :) ehem3

Lempeng Mak..I love it..!!!in Kedah Loghat their call it Cucuq tempek..hhahahha..funny isn't it..???but i love it..!!i love my Mum..

Pour the mixture on the pan and spread it

Turn back and forth until it turns golden brown

Tadaaa...finaly this is my Mum lempeng..i love it..!!!
Okie  dokie, recipe to share's been a while I haven't put a new recipe in my page...two entries to be precise...but the above merapu composition said it all! Hahaha.....I'd like to share something that was made by my darling Adde,and guess what,i try it also make my own lempeng..Bravo2..!!. It's called Lempeng and i still remember my mom said to's so easy to, why don't you give it a try. Who knows, it'll suit your taste buds! Thank you so much MAK for your lovely recipe as well as the lovely lempeng...yummy good for the tummy!!!

Monday, 14 February 2011

Why do we celebrate Valentine's Day?

Why do we celebrate Valentine's Day?..???why..??

“Valentine’s Day and Us” on the History and Origin of St. Valentine’s day and the reasons why Muslims and even Christians should not celebrate this festival as it is pagan in origin and its pagan rituals highly perverted and an insult to women.
Some people still objected and insisted that there is nothing wrong with celebrating this festival as it is not our intention to follow the Romans and the pagans. Some related this with using cars and mobile phones insisting that if Islam is so rigid about following non muslims then we should also not use stuff developed , discovered or made by the non muslims.
I would just like to clarify that there is a huge difference between following the culture/ religious festivals and using “technology”. Islam is not like what the Amish people are taught that technology is bad and therefore they are forbidden to use telephones and electricity.
Prophet Muhammad saw himself used material and stuff which was made by non Arabs. Just like camels and horses were used for transportation in those days, we are using cars trains etc.. just like leather was used for writing and communicating, we are using cell phones. Islam does not forbid using technology developed by non muslims. Islam only asks Muslims to maintain their identity and not adapt culture and traditions of non muslims.
Here I would briefly like to remind everyone of the origins of St. Valentine’s Day and the consequences of following pagans and Christians.
Valentine’s Day Revealed:
· Not a Christian Festival
· Not associated with Saint. Valentine
· Originally from two most sexually perverted pagan Roman festivals: Lupercalia and Feast of Juno Februata
· Celebration of fertility, lust, desire, sex and erotica.
· Nothing to do with displaying platonic love!
· Treatment of women as objects of lust, desire and fertility.
· In honor of Roman gods and goddesses
Whose Sunnah are you following?
Sunnah means a trodden path. If you are celebrating St. Valentine’s Day, you are actually following the Sunnah of the Roman pagans and the Sunnah of the Christians since it is considered to be a Christian festival.Every time we offer our salat, we recite Surah Al Fatiha and pray to Allah to show us the straight path.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, The Beneficent, the Merciful
Owner of the Day of Judgment,Thee (alone) we worship; Thee alone we ask for help.Show us the straight path,The path of those whom Thou hast favored. Not (the path) of those who earned Thine anger nor of those who go astray.”
Don’t you think Roman idol worshippers are those who earned the anger of Allah? Don’t you think the Christians are those who went astray?? What path are we trying to avoid?
Sign of the Last Day: Muslims following Persians, Romans, Jews and Christians
Prophet Muhammad saw said, “You will follow the ways of those nations who were before you, span by span and cubit by cubit ( i.e., inch by inch) so much so that even if they entered a hole of a mastigure(a kind of lizard), you would follow them.” We said, “O Allah’s Apostle! (Do you mean) the Jews and the Christians ?” He said, “Whom else?”
(Bukhari: Vol 009, Book 092, Hadith 422.)
The Prophet said, “The Hour will not be established till my followers copy the deeds of the previous nations and follow them very closely, span by span, and cubit by cubit ( i.e., inch by inch).” It was said, “O Allah’s Apostle! Do you mean by those (nations) the Persians and the Romans?” The Prophet said, “Who can it be other than they?”
So now its upto you to risk following the path of those people who earned Allah’s anger and who went astray.
Just remember there are 365 days in a year…so why insist on 14th Feb?

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